Rollin Residence Durchslag Residence Nells Residence Racy Residence Navarro Residence Bridges Residence
Richey Residence Thomas Residence Conner Residence Stryker Residence Zachrich Residence


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Bridges Residence

Goals: During a heavy winter rain, an old eight foot tall retaining wall collapsed into the Bridges’ driveway, leaving them with a massive pile of debris, which blocked the entrance to their garage and access to a set of concrete stairs, which were used to access the back yard. The Bridges  asked us to rebuild the wall and new set of stairs.

Challenges: Removing all the debris of the collapsed wall before our work could begin and creating a new hardscape design that was more interesting than one single faced eight foot wall.

Results: We designed a two-tiered system of retaining walls which allowed for a planting area in between the hardscape and the ability to incorporate a beautiful set of curving boulder steps which gracefully rise up through the walls.